L’il Jon Will Rock the Vote
Lil Jon’ and DJ Snake’s ‘Turn Down for What’ Will Rock the Vote in New Election Ad Campaign
The twitchy top five hit of the summer, “Turn Down for What” by DJ Snake and Lil Jon, has been commissioned by Rock the Vote to soundtrack its voter registration/engagement PSA campaign for the 2014 midterm elections (Nov. 4). Premiering Oct. 6, the PSA will star Lil Jon and include cameos by celebrities from music, TV, film, comedy and other entertainment sectors motivating young people to “turn out for what … Rock the Vote.” The primarily digital campaign will appear on various social media platforms and Rock the Vote’s website (rockthevote.com). For the first time, an app will allow users to register to vote on their phones in four minutes. “It’s fun and pretty hip,” says Lil Jon of the PSA. “It will do what it’s supposed to do.”